- Organization Management on Sites: Allow organization representatives to manage their organization from My Account on sites.
- Live Booths: Added live booths feature for organizations. This page offers a virtual booth for organizations with features like live video, chat, and Q&A.
- Mobile App Pages: Added Pages table for mobile apps to manage mobile app pages.
- Appointments in Mobile Apps: Display appointment listings in the mobile app.
- 1-on-1 Chat: Created in-house solution for 1-on-1 chat on websites and mobile apps.
- Repopulate sales contact form fields when validation is triggered
- Allow more management options for email in My Contact Information on sites
- UI redesign of organization detail page on sites
- Changed organization’s people (representatives) assignment modal
- Added configuration tab for the pages table on manager
- Upgraded datetime picker
- Upgraded text editors
- Make the document links public for the public documents
- Update the image editor when upload a picture
- Add saved filters to tables
- Fix url for coupon codes
- Fix submission redirect for sales contact form
- Fix mass mailing people selection issue
- Fix ticket holder creation link
- Removed invalid menu items from the event listing on websites
- Fix document uploads timeouts
- Add back missing confirmation message when submitting a form in My account in the websites
- Fix Messaging popup only listing the first 15 people
- Fix Message popup not listing people in alphabetical order
- Fix GET requests on the events API redirecting to the login page when submitting from a browser