- Categorized People Tables: The People table is now split into roles to allow classification of your person groups. Now for People you can manage: Speakers, Attendees, Staff, Representatives, or All contacts.
- Top Left Menu: High level menu on the Event Manager that allows you to access and manage data for your shared entities outside the scope of your events. The shared entities that are available at a higher level are: People, Organizations, and Venues.
- Room Setup Types: Setup types for rooms reintroduced.
- Top Level Dashboard: An initial top level dashboard that shows counts of your shared entities, upcoming and ongoing events, and the people map for your instance.
- Category Visibility: Categories now have a visibility to hide or show categorizations on the Event Website.
- Events tab for People: The People panel has a new tab for Events which provides a quick overview of the events a person is associated with and their role categorizations within events. Managers can configure the user’s role categorizations per event from this table, add new event associations, or remove existing event assocations from this tab.
- Replace survey queries by filter operations for table columns. You can now use “=empty” and “!=empty” operations and word matches in survey response column filters
- About section on Home page centered when no map is present
- Remove banners on session detail page that overlaid session image
- Added custom intro text for Speakers page on sites
- Added configuration to display child sessions on parent session tiles
- Delete button on People tables will perform a relevant action to that table
- Merge the concepts of categories and tags
- Expand the width of the email cells in the admin users table
- Add a configuration to hide ‘Person has entered’ messages in the chat
- Add an explicit relation between people and surveys instead of relying on a person’s disambiguation to identify who submitted the survey
- UI refresh for manager inputs and modals
- Small UX improvements for add/edit People modal
- Remove “No tickets for public sale” element when coupon code is present on sites Register page
- Fix session cloning issue
- Fix ticket holder address form
- Fix alignment of person’s session status container on site’s session detail page
- Fix custom Google Analytics code not read on sites
- Booth representative no longer removed after changing organization name in person’s profile
- Promo code saved in site’s session now