- Event and Private chat channels for event site: Added a community panel that includes an event chat and a private chat on event site.
- Session chat channel for event site: Added a session chat for ‘Live Session’ page.
- Event and Private chat toggles: Added toggles for enabling/disabling private and event chat in Website Configurations.
- Embedded session feature toggles: Added mechanism to manage embedded session information on virtual session panel.
- Create Zoom meetings: Added zoom create meeting functionality via zoom api in virtual session panel.
- Embedded Zoom video on event site: Added embedded zoom video for ‘Live Session’ page.
- Live Session page: Added new ‘Live Session’ page on sites for virtual sessions. This page is a general overview of the virtual session which offers embedded video, session chat, and virtual session info.
- Redirect links on sites: Configuration parameters for redirect links added that allow organizers to change the redirect links after session signin, signout, submissions, and registrations. (The parameter value needs to be added manually)
- Redesign event details section of sites home page. Event countdown has been moved into event details section. Also added log in button beside registration button.
- Added register button next to login on sites top navbar. Button serves as a ‘registered’ flag when logged in.
- Added Registration section to My Profile on sites to inform user of registration status.
- Allow editing submissions in ‘Conditionally Accepted’ status, previously only able to edit ‘Draft’ status submissions.
- Added ‘Re-Submitted’ status for submissions that were previously in a ‘Submitted’ state.
- Added ‘Vimeo’ provider type for virtual sessions.
- Improved warning message when access is denied to virtual session to better guide users.
- Added primary role field for people.
- Replaced the old registration form page with the new registration form page.
- Registration message name and confirmation message fields are now translatable.
- Merged website customization and configuration pages.
- Changed the schedule table to use backbone table instead of bootstrap table used in people panel.
- Changed the defaults for the session attendance report to include private and organizer only items.
- Added the public end date to registration confirmation emails.
- Added support for webp images.
- Added ability to block email addresses and domains.
- Added ability to redirect emails via Grenadine Gateway.
- Improved email logging.
- Add checks for validity of email addresses before sending.
- Fixed submission count in manager tab not reflecting submission count in table.
- Fixed incorrect display of person tiles on sites session detail page attendee section.
- Fixed forgot my password link resend in email confirmation page.
- Fixed the different payment provider buttons overlapping in the payment page on sites.
- Fixed GIFs not displaying in the generated PDFs for tickets.
- Fixed current bio picture not set as the default value in registration forms when there is one.
- Fixed person’s role not translated in the person’s detail panel and in the people table.
- Fixed incorrect link to content pages in the mobile homepage in the manager.
- Removed ‘remembered’ filters for now.