All your registrations needs are covered
From space-limited sign-ups to a full event registration, Grenadine offers the flexibility to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
With Grenadine, you define your registration process, ticket types even the currency in which they are purchased. Specifying availability and all relevant information, as simple or as complex as your event dictates.

Registration data and funds are yours, immediately
Proceeds are deposited directly into your account at the moment of sale, no wait-time for your funds.
The registrant data is also collected and stored in real-time.
At any time you may add custom questions to your registration form which can be scoped to the spacific type of ticket being sold.

Item-specific, add-ons and limited space tickets for your event
Item-specific tickets for a pre or post-event activity, a VIP party, a golf tournament, a spousal package or the like may be sold as an add-on. Additionally these activities may have limited capacities, which is also monitored by Grenadine. Prior to the sale of an item-specific ticket, Grenadine will verify availability, capacity, and any scheduling conflicts for rooms, speakers and attendees.

If required, you may set waitlists for sessions or activities. Waitlisted attendees will be listed on a first-come-first-served basis and will be notified if and when space becomes available.
Waitlists can also be useful when you are unsure of specific activities. Set tentative with no confirmed capacity, and allow waitlist sign ups. Should the activity become confirmed, simply increase the item capacity from 0 to your actual capacity and all waitlisted guests will automatically be moved to the registered list and receive confirmation.