Grenadine is very excited to announce that our Assistant feature is now in production. Over the next little while, you will be seeing this feature evolve and making Grenadine. Event Manager and Mobile even easier to use. Along with Assistant being released in production, we have made some bug fixes and improvements.
Event Manager
- Added ability to set a custom text for the top of the schedule page
- Improved setting the sort order for Registration Form Questions
- Added new and improved data table for ticket types
- Recieved submissions now displayed in the call for submission detail panel
- Improved interface for table column selector
- Custom attributes for People and Submissions can now be shown in the data table
- Added end time and end day columns to the sessions data table
- Ticket types and used coupons columns added to People data table
Event Website
- During checkout, ticket holder is defaulted to the purchaser when an order has only one ticket
- During checkout, show credit card payment options for PayPal payment button if accepted
- Removed “About this event” page from the Event Information dropdown
Bug Fixes
- Fixed resending Grenadine account confirmation email
Event Mobile App
- Now in production! The event assistant gives you updates on Tickets sold, you can choose to receive the options as frequently as you like by selecting from the following options. – Tickets sold daily by email – Tickets sold monthly by email – Tickets sold weekly by email
Event guide mobile apps
- Add event countdown, event map, and share button to welcome pages
- Fix theme issues
- Fix display order of sub-sessions
- Add support for iPhone X (iPhone notches)
- Update dependencies (Google Maps, Crashlytics)
- Refactor syncing process (quicker + add progress messages)
- Add lost access token/refresh token handling
- General bug fixes
Check-in mobile apps
- Refactor syncing process (quicker + add progress messages)
- Add sync types (Sync everything or sync only check-ins)
- Add auto-refresh feature to Stats page (only iOS)
- Update dependencies
- General bug fixes