To limit the number of people submitting, keep your call to submissions private and by invitation only. You can e-mail your call for submissions to those special participants. This e-mail will include a link with the necessary questionnaires and information required to complete the submission process. If you have chosen to make your call for submission public, the necessary questionnaires and information will be made available on the event website on the “open from” date you set while creating your call for submissions.
To facilitate sending invitations to submit, you can use the mail merge functionality and send out your submission form link to many people at once.
Invite People to Submit
Please Note: You must create a survey before you can create a Call for Submissions.
- After you have created a survey and ensured that it is not marked “public”, continue to the submissions page.
- Create a call for submissions.
- Go to your event website and click Call for Submissions at the top of the page. Copy this link.
- Back on Grenadine Event Manager use Mail Merge to send the link to those you would like to invite to submit or if they have not registered for your event send the link to them via your professional e-mail address.