How People Are Added
Entries in the People screens can come from a variety of actions. Entries in your people list are added due to the following actions:
Manually Add People on People tables
When you manually create a person using Add button on a People table, an entry for this person will appear on your people list.
Import People
When you import an excel file of attendees, speakers, etc., they will be added as entries to your people list.
When a guest logs-in to your event website and creates an account (regardless of registration being closed), they will appear as an entry in your people list.
When a guest registers to your event, they will appear as an entry in your people list.
Admin User Roles
When you assign people who exist in another event to a role in your new event, they will appear as an entry in your people list for your new event.
When a guest fills in a survey with a person question, the input person will appear as an entry in your people list.
When a guest submits a submission file, all of its authors and contributors will appear as entries in your people list.
Copying an Event
When you copy an event, your contacts table will be copied to the new event.