A venue is the place where your event is held, whereas a room is where a specific session takes place.
In Grenadine Event Manager, venues are not specific to one single event but are rather shareable between all of your events. For this reason, if this event will take place in a venue that is not already available in your account, you’ll first need to add the venue to your account settings before you can use it here.
Venues and Rooms
Note: Venues and rooms can be shared by different events. This is particularly useful when you want to reuse venues/rooms for another event or another instance of the same event.
Many events will be held in a single venue and most will use several rooms within that venue, but Grenadine Event Management Software also works with larger events that are held across multiple venues. Later on, you will use the venues and rooms to schedule your sessions and presentations, but for now, just entering the list will set the baseline for what you have to work with.
Here are a few things to keep in mind while you’re entering your list of venues and rooms:
- One room can be set up in a variety of ways, but you can specify a default setup for that room, i.e. the usual setup, or the setup that will be used the most often. A “setup” is just a word used to describe how the room is laid out inside, for example with large round tables, with theatre-style seating, etc.
- You can assign a capacity to your rooms and venues to keep track of the maximum guest allowed in them.
- Use comments to put in reminders about requirements for specific rooms.
- If you are unsure about where some sessions or presentations will take place, you can create a venue called “Offsite” to host them. We suggest you use this temporary venue to remind your staff that the sessions/presentations are not part of another venue and that, although the exact location is not yet known, the Grenadine Event Manager is keeping track of it.